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The Best Plants for Fall Container Gardens

Container gardens are great for all types of homes, and they're an especially good option if you live in a home with limited yard space. When designing a container garden for fall color, select flowering plants that are well adapted to cooler temperatures. Some plants may only bloom in fall, while others may have a long-lasting bloom period that extends from spring to summer and even into fall.

Containers are traditionally planted with annuals, but perennials are increasingly being used to create a variety of colors, textures, and heights. And while soil needs will vary from species to species, a good potting soil from your local home improvement store or plant nursery should be enough for most plants.

Following is a selection of best plants for fall container gardens:

Coral Bells: These perennial plants come in a range of colors from red to white to coral and pink. They require full to partial sun and moist, loamy soil. Coral bells do well in USDA growing zones 4 to 8.

Verbena: These hardy plants, that come in perennial and annual varieties, will survive temperatures of 15 F and continue to flower even after the first frost. Colors range from white to brilliant reds to deep blues and purple. They require full sun and acidic soil and do well in USDA growing zones 5 to 11.

Ornamental Cabbage and Flowering Kale: The colors of flowering kales and cabbages only intensify as the weather gets colder, especially after a frost. In addition to carrying hues of purple and rose well into fall, these plants can be easily combined with other companions for bold arrangements. They require loamy soil and full sun to partial shade. Cabbages and kales do well in USDA growing zones 2 to 11.

Sedum: Sedum is easy to grow in containers and comes in a vast array of heights, textures, and shapes. Some of the taller varieties look best in the center or back of a container. Sedums require full sun and average soil with good drainage. They do well in USDA growing zones 3 to 10.

Garden Mums: Although mums are considered perennials, they are more typically grown as annuals. If you are growing your own potted mums, it is important to pinch off all buds and keep the shoots pruned back through mid-summer if you want them to bloom come fall. Mums have colors ranging from lavender and purple to white, orange, and yellow. They require full sun and need moist, well-drained soil. Mums do well in USDA growing zones 4 to 9.

Pansies: Pansies are a familiar face in most fall gardens and are treated in most places as annuals. They need fairly moist soil and full sun to partial shade. USDA growing zones are 6 to 9.

Asters: The blue wood aster is a perennial plant with bluish daisy-like flowers that appear during fall when many other garden flowers begin to fade and decay. These plants grow rather tall, reaching as much as six feet. For this reason, asters should be planted in larger containers in rich, well-drained soil. They require full sun and do well in USDA growing zones 3 to 9.

For more instructions on how to create a fall container garden, watch the video below.

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